Monster Moon Communications
Tonight’s Monster Moon has me thinking about something I read recently in Douglas Rushkoff’s new book, Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now. He’s an author that writes about the edges of social, technology and business trends and I have to admit… sometimes his words don’t make sense until a bit later when you look around at what’s happening and say to yourself “Damnit - Rushkoff was right!”In this latest offering, there’s a section that talks about how people are “sync’ed up” based on the work of Mark R. Filippi — a consultant who works with Wall Street types and professional athletes to improve performance based on naturally-occurring patterns.I’ve been curious about moon cycles since I was a kid in the late 80s and did a science fair project that showed how birth rates and crime activity increased during the full moons. Now that I’m working with digital / social / mobile communications, I find myself once again interested in how the lunar cycles and seasonal changes affect how people respond to messages that are delivered to them.. So my question for today, is…Can more effective digital communications be created by better understanding moon phases and how it affects your customers and employees? This may seem pretty far out there to traditional business people, but you must admit that our world is rapidly changing and I believe we must look to nature to understand how to rebuild many of the systems that are collapsing.Here’s how Filippi outlines the Four Lunar Phases:PHYLO Week
- Starts the day after the new moon and ends on the day of the 1st quarter
- This is a week to generate more INTERPERSONAL coherence.
- The behavioral rhythmn is LO focus and HI energy.
- The rising mood is vulnerability. It’s time for self-healing.
- Outlook may be more pessimistic than usual.
- Look for a theme of weakness in your dreams
- Starts the day after the 1st Quarter and ends on the day of the Full Moon
- This is a week to generate more INTRAPERSONAL coherence.
- The behavioral rhythm is HI focus and HI energy.
- The rising mood is creativity. It’s a time for innovation.
- Outlook may be more imaginative than usual.
- Look for a theme of discovery in your dreams.
ECO Week
- Starts the day after the Full Moon and ends the day of the Last Quarter.
- This is a week to generate more EXTRAPERSONAL (connection to nature) coherence.
- The behavioral rhythm is LO focus and LO energy.
- The rising mood is empathy. It’s a time for foresight.
- Your outlook may be more optimistic than usual.
- Look for a theme of competency in your dreams.
EXO Week
- Starts the day after the Last Quarter and ends on the day of the New Moon
- This is a week to generate more IMPERSONAL (connection to structure) coherence
- The behavioral rhythm is HI focus and LO energy
- The rising mood is suspicion, its a time for deep analysis.
- Your outlook may be more formal than usual
- Look for a theme of aggression in your dreams
Our senses are connected to organ systems that have “developed over the past several hundred thousand years”. This gets into consciousness and understanding people at a much deeper level.