All Googley-Eyed

The Google Glass tour came through Atlanta recently to introduce their freaky awesome device to early adopters across America.

‘New ideas are not only the enemies of old ones; they also appear often in an extremely unacceptable form.’ - Carl Gustav Jung

Without a doubt, the future of wearable computing is going to change society and culture and we're already seeing public backlash against people wearing the Glasses.The human mind can only take in so much information at a time.  While I was walking around and looking at the information screen in the upper corner of my sight, I realized how unaware of what else was going on around me.   It will be interesting to see how the Google team addresses this issue.This reminded me of the "Clown on a Unicycle Experiment" that showed how people using smart phones pay less attention to their surroundings. 


Universal Patterns Wired & Fired


"Waze saved my life"